Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Issues Of The Companies Act - 2134 Words

The Companies Act, 1956 lays down the detailed provisions with respect to the preparation and maintenance of books of accounts and of annual accounts and also the publication of the same in the prescribed manner. It specifies the roles, responsibilities, duties and liabilities of directors and also the matters to be reported upon by them in the annual reports of the companies disclosing the required information. Under the provisions of the Act, it is compulsory for all companies registered under it to prepare the annual accounts and get them audited by an independent auditor. The Act extensively deals with the qualification, appointment, removal, rights, duties and liabilities of auditors and provides contents of auditors’ report. In case†¦show more content†¦2.1.1 Disclosure of Financial statements Section 128 of the Companies Act, 2013 deals with the books of account and mandated that every company shall prepare and keep at its registered office books of accounts and other relevant documents and financial statements for every financial year which give the true and fair view of the state of the affairs of the company. The section also makes it mandatory for the companies to keep the books of accounts of the branch offices at the place of registered office. Such book keeping has to be done in accordance with the accounting standards and in consonance with the accounting principles which have been given statutory recognition. Up to 1997 there was no statutory backing of accounting standards in India and there was only professional requirement by the ICAI, the standard-setting body in India for ensuring compliance of accounting standards through audit function by its members. However, in the absence any statutory requirement of the observance of accounting standards on the managem ent of companies, compliance with accounting standards was left to discretion of the management. In 1998 the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 1998 was promulgated by the President of India. This Ordinance gave statutory recognition to accounting standards and required the auditor to report on the compliance with accounting standards. The ordinance also provided for the constitution of

Monday, December 16, 2019

Impact of HR Practices on Organizational Performance in Bangladesh Free Essays

string(69) " abilities and the organization’s requirement \(Fernandez, 1992\)\." Impact of HR Practices on Organizational Performance in Bangladesh Mir Mohammed Nurul Absar1 abstract Impact of human resource management practices on organizational performance has been a widely researched area for years. But unfortunately, very insufficient number of studies have been conducted on this area in the context of Bangladesh and other developing countries. This study was undertaken to fill this obvious research gap. We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of HR Practices on Organizational Performance in Bangladesh or any similar topic only for you Order Now Data collected from fifty manufacturing firms in Bangladesh shows that HR practices have significant association with organizational performance. Out of HR practices, only performance appraisal is found to have significant impact on organizational performance. Keywords: HR Practices, Organizational Performance, Manufacturing Firms JEC Classification: M12, D24 Balasundaram Nimalathasan2 Munshi Muhammad Abdul Kader Jilani3 1. IntroductIon Impact of human resource management practices on organizational performance has been a widely researched area for years. Results of studies, from developed countries to developing countries, have been time and again showing that HR practices have significant impact on organizational performance (Delaney Huselid, 1996; Katou Budhwar, 2007; Sing, 2004; Tzafrir, 2006). But unfortunately, very insufficient number of studies have been conducted in this area context of Bangladesh and other developing countries. To augment the contemporary knowledge base of HR practices of developing countries, this study has been undertaken. 2. esearch QuestIons Specifically, this study was undertaken to explore the answer to the following research questions (RQ): RQ1: Is there any association between HR practices and Organizational Performance? RQ2: Do HR practices have any impact on Organizational Performance? resource(HR)’ aspects of a management position including human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, orientation, compensation, performance appraisal, training and development, and labour relations (Dessler, 2007, p. ). HRM is composed of the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees’ behaviour, attitude, and performance (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, 2007, p. 5). There are four top models of HRM such as the Fombrun, Tichy, and Devana Model of HRM, the Harvard Model of HRM, the Guest Model of HRM, and the Warwick Model of HRM (Bratton Gold, 1999, pp. 17-24). Out of these models, the Fombrun, Tichy, and Devana Model of HRM are considered to be the first one (Aswathappa, 2008, p. 18). The present study selected the HR practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, and compensation which were incorporated by the Fombrun, Tichy, and Devana Model of HRM. The model assumed that these four key HR practices have significant impact on organizational performance. 4. 2 Organizational Performance 3. objectIves The main purpose of the study was to identity the impact of HR practices on organizational performance. In order to materialize this objective, the following specific objectives were considered. †¢ To address the linkage between HR practices and organizational performance. To indentify the impact of HR practices on organizational performance. †¢ To offer some measures in order to enhance the organizational performance of the selected manufacturing firms in Bangladesh and other similar countries. 4. hr PractIces and organIzatIonal Performance: concePtual and emPIrIcal overvIew 4. 1 hr Practices Human resource man agement (HRM) refers to the policies and practices involved in carrying out the ‘human 1 2 The ultimate goal of a business organization is higher financial performance or maximisation of wealth for stake holders (Becker Huselid, 1998; Horngren, Foster, Datar, 2000). Nonetheless, attaining the organization’s goals depends upon the extent to which its organizational performance is reached (Katou Budhwar, 2007). Organizational performance is generally indicated by effectiveness (whether an organization can achieve its objectives), efficiency (whether an organization uses resources properly), satisfaction of employees and customers, innovation, quality of products or services, and ability to maintain a unique human pool (Delaney Huselid, 1996; Dyer Reeves, 1995; Guest, 2001; Katou Budhwar, 2007). The organizational performance variables of the present study included features such as product quality, customer satisfaction, new product development, ability to attract employees, ability to retain employees, and relationship between management and employees. According to the earlier studies (Delaney Huselid, 1996; Harel Tzafrir, 1999; Singh, 2004), the respondents were asked to assess their organizations’ performance in comparison to the performance of their competitors. Mir Mohammed Nurul Absar, Assistant Professor, East Delta University, Agrabad, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Balasundaram Nimalathasan, Faculty, Department of Commerce, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. 3 Munshi Muhammad Abdul Kader Jilani, Faculty, University of Information Technology Sciences Bangladesh. IJBIT/Volume 3/Issue 2/April – September 10 | 15 Mir Mohammed Nurul Absar et al. Impact of HR Practices on Organizational Performance in Bangladesh 4. 3. Relationship between Organizational Performance HR Practices and Though most of the studies have been conducted in the western world, it is now well established that HR practices have significant impact on productivity, corporate financial performance, and employee turnover (Arthur, 1994; Huselid, 1995; Ichniowski, Shaw, Prennushi, 1997; Katou Budhwar, 2007). Pollitt (2004) found that the HRM practices of Nokia played vital role in helping the company in reaching its 40% percent share of the global handset market, and industry leading profit margins of 20%-25% at a time of unmatched change and competition. Katou and Budhwar (2007) through an in-depth study on 178 manufacturing firms of Greece found that HR practices such as recruitment, training, promotion, incentives, benefits, involvement, and safety and health were positively related with the elements of organizational performance such as innovation and satisfaction of stakeholders. Singh (2004) in a study on 82 Indian firms observed that HR practices such as training and compensation had significant impact on perceived organizational performance. Two recent studies (Billah Islam, 2009; Billah, Prince, Islam, 2009) in context of Bangladesh also found that HR practices have significant association with employee turnover and organizational commitment. Hypothesis 1: HR practices have significant association with organizational performance Hypothesis 2: HR practices have significant impact on organizational performance: The Recruitment and selection process determines the decisions as to which candidates will get employment offers. The aim of this practice is to improve the fit between employees, the organization, teams, and work requirements, and thus, to create a better work environment (Tzafrir, 2006). Sophisticated recruitment and selection system can ensure a better fit between the individual’s abilities and the organization’s requirement (Fernandez, 1992). You read "Impact of HR Practices on Organizational Performance in Bangladesh" in category "Essay examples" Hunter and Schmidt (1982) concluded that employment stability can be achieved through a selection procedure based on ability. Katou and Budhwar (2007) also found that recruitment and selection was positively related to all organizational performance variables such as effectiveness, efficiency, innovation, and quality. Hypothesis 3: Recruitment and selection positively influences on organizational performance: Training and development is considered to be the most common HR practice (Tzafrir, 2006). Training and development refers to any effort to improve current of future employees’ skills, abilities, and knowledge (Aswathappa, 2008). Thang and Buyens (2008) through reviewing 66 studies conducted in different parts of the world opined that training and development leads to superior knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, and behaviour of employees that eventually enhance organizational performance. Hoque (1994) unearthed that training and development had positive impact on organizational effectiveness in Bangladeshi context. Hypothesis 4: Training and development positively influences on organizational performance: Performance appraisal is a systematic process to evaluate the performance of an employee after certain period (Schuler, 1981, p. 11). Performance appraisal also influences other HR practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, and employee relations. IJBIT/Volume 3/Issue 2/April – September 10 |16 As performance appraisal leads to pay raise, promotion, and training; it is assumed that better performance appraisal can have impact on organizational performanc e. Hypothesis 5: Performance appraisal positively influences on organizational performance: Compensation refers to all types of pay or rewards going to employees and arising from their employment (Dessler, 2007, p. 90). Compensation is very much important for employees because it is one of the main reasons for which people work. Employees’ living status in the society, satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity are also influenced by the compensation (Aswathappa, 2008). Delaney Huselid (1996) found that incentive compensation was associated with perceived market performance in USA. Employee compensation, particularly the performance based compensation system, resulted in better organizational performance in Indian firms (Singh, 2004). Hypothesis 6: Compensation positively influences on organizational performance: Moyeen and Huq (2001) studied HRM practices of 92 medium and large business enterprises (public and private sector) located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. They found that only 62% of surveyed organizations had an HR/Industrial Relations (IR) department. HRM practices of ten local private manufacturing enterprises listed under Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) were examined by Akhter (2002). She measured correlation between employees’ opinions regarding HRM practices in their enterprises, their age, education, and experience. Mahmood (2004) observed that other than organizational contingencies, the institutional context such as national education and training system, national industrial relations system, regulatory frameworks, and overall societal context had significant influence on the development of HR practices in Bangladesh. Furthermore, HR practices were found to have significant impact on affective commitment in context to Bangladesh (Haque Azim, 2008) Thus, the above review of literature shows that there have been several studies around the globe focusing on HR practices and organizational performance. However, very limited numbers of studies have been conducted on the impact of HR Practices on organizational performance in context of Bangladesh and other developing countries. This study has been undertaken to fill this obvious research gap. 5. research frameworK ( Figure 1 ) 6. research methodology Research methodologies of the present study were outlined below. 6. 1 Sample A directory of 85 manufacturing firms listed under Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) was prepared (Chittagong Stock Exchange, 2010). The structured questionnaire was sent to the HR managers of the all 85 manufacturing firms. Finally 50 useable questionnaires were found for the study (63% response rate). 6. 2 Data Sources and Instrumentation The study was complied with the help of primary data and secondary data. Questionnaire survey method was used to gather primary data in the present study. A 23-item and a 05- Impact of HR Practices on Organizational Performance in Bangladesh Mir Mohammed Nurul Absar et al. Training and Development Recruitment and Selection Performance Appraisal Compensation Positive Negative No Impact Organizational Performance source: Modified from Fomburn, C. J. , Tichy, N. M. , Devanna, M. A. (1984) Figure-1: Research Framework item Likert type questionnaire (where1=strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree) were developed with some modifications from earlier studies (Delaney Huselid, 1996; Harel Tzafrir, 1999; Singh, 2004) to measure the HR practices and organizational performance of manufacturing firms in Bangladesh respectively. As HR managers are the most reliable persons to provide data related to HR practices and overall organizations (Huselid Becker, 1996; Tzafrir, 2006), the structured questionnaire was sent to the HR managers of the surveyed manufacturing firms. Moreover, the desk study covered various published and unpublished materials on the subject. From the table-1, it is seen that reliability value was estimated to be ? =. 726 to . 818, if we compare reliability value of the scale used in the present study with the standard value alpha of 0. 6 advocated by Cronbach (1951), Nunnally and Bernstein (1994), and Bagozzi and Yi’s (1988); it is observed that the scale of the present study was highly reliable for data analysis. Validation procedures involved initial consultation of the questionnaires. The experts also judged the face and content validity of the questionnaires as adequate. Hence, researchers satisfied reliability and validity of the scale. 7. data analysIs and fIndIngs 6. 3 variables Independent Variables: According to Fomburn, Tichy, and Devanna, (1984), the following four (04) HR practices were selected as independent variables. RNS : Recruitment and Selection. TND : Training and Development. PA : Performance Appraisal. COM : Compensation. Dependent Variable: Organizational Performance (Perceived) In the present study, we analysed our data by an enter wise method in a multiple regression analysis. In this context, a multiple regression was performed, by making use of all the discrete variables (i. e. , dependent and independent variables) available in the dataset. The estimation process was based on Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) [i. e. ,Y= a + bx]. For this, purpose, we consider the following model specifications, by taking as dependent variable i. e. , organizational performance by making HR practices as independent variables. OP=? O+? 1(RNS)+? (TND)+? 3(PA)+? 4(COM)+e†¦ Model (1) Where ? 0 , ? 1, ? 2, ? 3, and ? 4, are the regression co-efficient OP : Organizational Performance RNS : Recruitment and Selection TND : Training and Development PA : Performance Appraisal COM : Compensation e : error term To test how well the mode-1 fit the data and findings, correlation (r), R, R2 (Coefficient of determination), variance, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the t statistic were used. Correlation analysis was performed to find out the pair wise relationship between variables; RNS, TND, PA, COM, and OP. Hence, the results are summarised in table-2. Table 2: Correlations Matrix for HR Practices and POP variables RNS TND PA COM OP rns 1 0. 497** (0. 000) 0. 569** (0. 000) 0. 509** (0. 000) 0. 557** (0. 000) 1 0. 635** (0. 000) 0. 404** (0. 000) 0. 508** (0. 000) 1 0. 660** (0. 000) 0. 723** (0. 000) 1 0. 595** (0. 000) 1 tnd Pa com oP 6. 4 Reliability and Validity Before applying statistical tools, testing of the reliability of the scale is very much important as its shows the extent to which a scale produces consistent result if measurements were made repeatedly. This is done by determining the association in between scores obtained from different administrations of the scales. If the association is high, the scale yields consistent result, thus is reliable. Cronbach’s alpha is most widely used method. It may be mentioned that its value varies from 0 to 1 but satisfactory value is required to be more than 0. 6 for the scale to be reliable (Malhotra, 2002; Cronbach, 1951). In the present study, we, therefore, used Cronbach’s alpha scale as a measure of reliability. Table 1: Reliability value of the Scale scale 1. Recruitment and Selection 2. Training and Development 3. Performance Appraisal 4. Compensation 5. Organizational Performance source: survey data No. of Items 05 06 07 05 05 Cronbach’s Alpha (? ) . 780 . 774 . 818 . 726 . 799 IJBIT/Volume 3/Issue 2/April – September 10 | 17 Mir Mohammed Nurul Absar et al. Impact of HR Practices on Organizational Performance in Bangladesh Mean Standard deviation 3. 584 . 840 3. 643 . 844 3. 760 . 750 3. 448 . 856 4. 032 . 722 Table 5: Coefficients for Predictors of JS models 1 Constant RNS TND PA COM Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients ? 1. 114 . 148 . 039 . 467 . 142 Std. Effor . 92 . 107 . 111 . 151 . 113 . 172 . 046 . 485 . 168 Beta 2. 845 1. 380 . 354 3. 081 1. 258 . 007 . 174 . 725 . 004 . 215 t sig Source: Survey data; **Correlation is significant at the 0. 01 level (2-tailed) Table-2 shows that the factors RNS, TND, PA, and COM are independently positively correlated with OP and also highly significant at 1% levels. Therefore, Hypothesis 1 of the present study was accepted. Here it is obvious that the maximum correlation (r =0. 723) is existed between PA and OP, followed by the association (r =0. 595) between COM and OP; RNS and OP(r= 0. 557); and TND and OP (r =0. 08). It should be needed to give the highest emphasis on PA for superb OP. Compensation is also crucial for wonderful perceived organizational performance followed by other HR practices (i. e. , RNS and TND). HR practices are pair-wise positively correlated with one to another and also statistically significant at P-value 0. 000. Among the four HR practices, the relationship (r =0. 660) between PA and COM is the highest, followed by the link (r =0. 635) between TND and PA. Further, a multiple regression analysis was performed to identify the predictors of OP as conceptualized in the model. An enter-wise variable selection was used in the regression analysis and table-3 and table-4 show the summary measure and analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the model. Table 3: Predictors of JS – Model summary a. Predictors: (Constant), RNS; TND; PA; and COM. model 1 r 0. 755a r2 0. 570 adjusted r2 0. 532 Source: Survey data The table-5 shows that PA is positively influencing on OP. For PA, the value of t is 3. 081(p=0. 004). Thus we accept Hypothesis 5 But for RNS, TND, and COM which fall in the area of rejection. Thus, we do not accept the Hypothesis 3, 4, and 6. Hence, it can be concluded that PA has significant impact on OP. Therefore, hypothesis-2 is also partially accepted. 8. conclusIon From the correlation matrix, the highest positive value of correlation between PA and OP clarifies that the authorities of selected manufacturing firms are required to give main focus on PA for getting fabulous organizational performance. In addition, the maximum average point (3. 760) of PA also discloses the identical conclusion followed by COM; RNS and TND (For details please see table-2). It is also found that PA has significant impact on POP. . lImItatIons and dIrectIons for the future researches tables 4: anova model 1 Sum of squares Regression Residual Total df 14. 568 10. 981 25. 549 Mean square 4 45 49 The study used only perceptual measure of HR practices and organizational performance. Only single source (HR managers) was also used to collect data. Future studies may be conducted in context of the service sector enterprises with larger sample s ize. Case studies, focus groups, and longitudinal studies may also be undertaken. references 1. 2. 3. 4. Predictors: (Constant), RNS; TND; PA; and COM. Dependent Variable: OP The HR practices (RNS; TND; PA; and COM) in the above model revealed the ability to predict OP (R2 = 0. 570). In this model value of R2 denotes that 57. 0 percent of the observed variability in OP can be explained by the HR practices namely RNS; TND; PA and COM. The remaining 43. 0 percent is not explained which means that the rest 43. 0 percent of the variation of OP is related to other variables which are not depicted in the model. This variance is highly significant as indicated by the F value (F=14. 926 and P = 0. 000) [For details please see table-4]. An examination of the model summary presented by the table-3 in conjunction with ANOVA, presented by the table-3, indicates that the model explains the most possible combination of predictor variables that could contribute to the relationship with the dependent variable. 5. 6. 7. 8. Akhter, N. (2002), Human Resource Management in Bangladesh: A Study of Some Local Private Manufacturing Industries. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Arthur, J. B. (1994), Effects of Human Resource Systems on Manufacturing Performance and Turnover: Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 670-687. Aswathappa, K. (2008), Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, Delhi. Becker, B. E. , and Fuseli, M. A. (1998), High Performance Work Systems and Firm Performance: A Synthesis of Research and Managerial Implications: Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, Vol. 16, pp. 53-101. Billah, M. M. , and Islam, S. 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(1982), Ability Tests: Economic Benefits Versus The Issue of Fairness. Industrial Relations, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 293-309. Huselid, M. A. (1995), The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover, Productivity, and Corporate Financial Performance. The Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 35-672. Huselid, M. A. , and Becker, B. E. (1996), Methodological Issues in Cross-Sectional and Panel Estimates of The HR-Firm Performance Link: Industrial Relations, Vol. 35, pp. 400-422. Ichniowski, C. , Shaw, K. , and Prennushi, G. (1997), The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Productivity: A Study of Steel Finishing Lines: The American Economic Review, Vol. 87, No. 3, pp. 291-313. Katou, A. A. , and Budwar, P. S. (2007 ), The Effects of Human Resource Management Policies On Organizational Performance In Greek Manufacturing Firms. Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 1-35. Mahmood, M. H. (2004), The Institutional Context of Human Resource Management: Case Studies of Multinational Subsidiaries in Bangladesh. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, University of Manchester, UK. Malhotra, N. K. (2002), Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation (3rd ed. ). Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, India. Moyeen, A. F. M. A. , and Huq, A. (2001), Human resource management practices in business enterprises in Bangladesh: Journal of Business Studies,Vol. Xxii, No. 2, pp. 263-270. Noe, R. A. Hollenbeck, J. R. , Gerhart, B. , and Wright, P. M. (2007), Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage, McGraw-Hill, USA. Nunnally, J. C. , and Bernstein I. H. ,(1994), Psychometric Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York. Pollitt, D. (2004), Nokia Connects HR Policy with Company Success. Human Resource Management. Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 3032. Schuler, R. S. (1981), Personnel and Human Resource Management, West Publish ing Company, USA. 32. Singh, K. (2004), Impact of HR Practices on Perceived Firm Performance in India: Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 301-317. 33. Thang, N. N. , and Buyens, D. (2008), What We Know about Relationship between Training and Firm Performance: A Review of Literature. Paper Presented at The 7th International Conference on Ethics And Quality of Work-Life for Sustainable Development, Bangkok, Thailand. 34. Tzafrir, S. S. (2006), A Universalistic Perspective for Explaining the Relationship between HRM Practices and Firm Performance At Different Points In Time: Journal of Managerial Psychology,Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 109-130. IJBIT/Volume 3/Issue 2/April – September 10 | 19 How to cite Impact of HR Practices on Organizational Performance in Bangladesh, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Mental Health Nursing Practice and Delivery †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Mental Health Nursing Practice and Delivery. Answer: Mental Health nursing practice and delivery has changed over the years in caring for people from different cultures. Handling mental health patients has now become more flexible as compared to the outdated rigid methods, which were there before. People from different cultures perceive situations and their environment differently, therefore, putting into consideration the cultural diversity of the mental health patients is essential in their recovery process and management of their conditions. The varying beliefs can also affect how patients perceive the mental health services they receive. When cultural diversity is not put into consideration during the assessment and treatment of mental health patients, it results in misdiagnosis and poor service delivery (Sharma, Meurk, Bell, Ford Gartner, 2017). This paper will look at how the mental healthnursing practice and delivery has changed over the years and how this has affected the clinical and psychosocial outcomes of people from diffe rent cultures. There used to be specific and rigid procedures involved in the care of mental health patients. These procedures were designed and based on a particular group and it failed to incorporate the views of other diverse cultures. For example, the standardized tests that were being used contained language that could only be understood by a particular group of people. The design of these tests was only appropriate for those in the western countries and some of the constructs being measured were not applicable to people from other cultural groups. The care of patients was also very strict and they were not given the chance to be part of their treatment program. Involving culturally diverse patients in treatment enables the clinician to understand aspects of the patients culture that may be contributing to their condition or that may help in recovery. However, the rigidness and strict rules of mental health services have changed over the years and it has taken into account the cultural diversi ty that exists among mental health patients (Slade, Amering, Farkas, Hamilton Whitley, 2014). To begin with, the approach used during assessment and interaction with mental health patients acknowledges the diversity of values, attitudes, and behaviors found in different cultures (Wand, White Patching, 2010). This has formed a basis for understanding the meaning of concepts within a particular culture. This approach has affected people from different cultures clinically since it enables the clinician to carry out the proper diagnosis of the patients condition from the specific information they get related to the patient's cultural beliefs and understanding of concepts. Psychosocially, it has been beneficial since the patients from diverse cultures; now feel more comfortable seeking mental health services because they feel accepted despite their diversity. It also provides an environment where the patient feels comfortable with the services they are receiving without compromising their values (Macleod, Elliott Brown, 2011). Standardized instruments are now being used in culturally sensitive ways. This is done by putting into consideration the cultural data during the interpretation of the results. Whenever it is possible, accurately translated versions are used instead. Through this, the patient can effectively participate in psychological tests that can determine their mental conditions (Robson, Haddad, Gray Gournay, 2013). The clinician is able to get better results from these tests and this means that the patient will receive effective treatment. Translated versions have helped culturally diverse patients to feel more comfortable undertaking psychological tests since they can understand the concepts clearly. The accurate data obtained from these tests are also very essential in follow-ups that enable the clinician to determine the progress the patient has made (Robson, Haddad, Gray Gournay, 2013). The involvement of the patient in the mental healthnursing practice has also been beneficial. The treatment models are now modified and diverse hence making them largely compatible with the patients expectation. Psychosocially, this ensures greater follow up and patient compliance (Isobel Edwards, 2017). When the patient feels like their values are being respected they are more likely to comply with the treatment they are undergoing since they do not have to compromise what they believe in. Clinically, it encourages the patient to be more open about any issues relating to their treatment. Since the patient feels accepted, they can disclose medication side effects so that they have a replacement in medication or alteration of their dose instead of simply deciding to skip the medication (Grundy, Walker, Meade Callaghan, 2017). In addition, non-compliance to treatment occurs when dissimilar cultures gather in a health care setting leading to a crash in expectations (Whitehead, Wilson, Carlyle Joyce, 2010). In this case, most of the healthcare providers view their clients from a different culture as a hurdle to healthcare delivery. For instance, the eastern people have different beliefs on disease causation and the probable treatment; this is followed by misconceptions and unwillingness to discuss with the healthcare providers about their health, which can lead to a negative clinical outcome. Therefore, to enhance compliance, patients should be educated about illness and the importance of seeking treatment. In addition, healthcare providers should identify factors that cause non- compliance to treatment and establishing a strong patient- nurse relationship (Kidd, Kenny McKinstry, 2015). In conclusion, the paper has discussed how mental health has changed over time and its psychosocial and clinical outcome on individuals from diverse backgrounds. In this case, it is evident that an individuals beliefs, customs, and values are mainly shaped by their cultures. Therefore, culture cannot be ignored when it comes to taking care of mental health patients. Rigid concepts in the mental health service system that was used before impaired the services that were provided to the patients from culturally diverse groups. The changes that have been made over the years to accommodate cultural diversity has greatly improved mental health andnursing practice delivery and resulted in better clinical outcomes and psychosocial well-being for the patients. It is essential to understand other peoples cultures to ensure effective provision of mental health services. References Robson, D., Haddad, M., Gray, R., Gournay, K. (2013). Mental health nursing and physical health care: A cross?sectional study of nurses' attitudes, practice, and perceived training needs for the physical health care of people with severe mental illness.International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,22(5), 409-417.doi: 10.1056/NEJMp1012121 Kidd, S., Kenny, A., McKinstry, C. (2015). The meaning of recovery in a regional mental health service: an action research study.Journal of advanced nursing,71(1), 181-192.doi.10.1111/jan.12472 Grundy, A. C., Walker, L., Meade, Callaghan, P. (2017). Evaluation of a co?delivered training package for community mental health professionals on service user?and carer?involved care planning.Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 1(3) 23- 45. doi.10.1111/jpm.12378 Macleod, S. H., Elliott, L., Brown, R. (2011). What support can community mental health nurses deliver to carers of people diagnosed with schizophrenia? Findings from a review of the literature.International journal of nursing studies,48(1), 100-120. doi.10.1111/inm.2345 Sharma, R., Meurk, C., Bell, S., Ford, P., Gartner, C. (2017). Australian mental health care practitioners practices and attitudes for encouraging smoking cessation and tobacco harm reduction in smokers with severe mental illness.International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 5(8) 1102- 1120.doi. 10.1111/inm.12314 Isobel, S., Edwards, C. (2017). Using trauma informed care as a nursing model of care in an acute inpatient mental health unit: A practice development process.International journal of mental health nursing,26(1), 88-94.doi.10.1111/inm.12236 Robson, D., Haddad, M., Gray, R., Gournay, K. (2013). Mental health nursing and physical health care: A cross?sectional study of nurses' attitudes, practice, and perceived training needs for the physical health care of people with severe mental illness.International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,22(5), 409-417.doi.10.1111/j.1447-0349.2012.00883.x Slade, M., Amering, M., Farkas, M., Hamilton, Whitley, R. (2014). Uses and abuses of recovery: implementing recovery?oriented practices in mental health systems.World Psychiatry,13(1), 12-20.doi.10.1002/wps.20084 Wand, T., White, K., Patching, J. (2010). Applying a realist (ic) framework to the evaluation of a new model of emergency department based mental health nursing practice.Nursing inquiry,17(3), 231-239.doi.10.1111/j.1440-1800.2010.00488.x Whitehead, L., Wilson, L., Carlyle, M., Joyce, P. (2010). Disorder-specific psychosocial interventions for bipolar disorderA systematic review of the evidence for mental health nursing practice.International Journal of Nursing Studies,47(7), 896-908.doi. 10.1111/j.1347-0349.2010.00883.x

Saturday, November 30, 2019

What is Conflict Management Essay Essay Example

What is Conflict Management Essay? Essay Needless to say, management is an inevitable part of present-day businesses. The most crucial role of management is to work with people in order to achieve a common goal and find the points of agreement among members to achieve a common good. Management is not an easy activity, and every successful manager should know the hundreds of existing techniques to rule other people effectively. It depends on the situation which such style is the most suitable for a particular case. One of the challenges in the sphere of management is a troublesome situation that arises on a daily basis. We can define it as a situation that involves more than one person with different points of view who cannot find a common agreement. The difference in viewpoints ranges starting from philosophical views and divergent goals to the desire to get power over a situation. If arguments are not handled successfully, they usually lead to the breakdown in one’s trust and the decrease of team’s productivity, and this fact may eventually lead to the death of the business. The main ground of the conflict We will write a custom essay sample on What is Conflict Management Essay? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What is Conflict Management Essay? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What is Conflict Management Essay? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The main reason why disagreement arises is that of different viewpoints individuals have on a particular subject. Without understanding one’s viewpoint, a person gets easily pulled into the conflict. Fortunately, there exists the practice called conflict management that deals with identifying and handling conflicts with the minimum of risks and fairly, to address the needs of all participants of a bad situation, concentrating on a general good. There are numerous interpersonal techniques when it comes to managing conflicts in one’s workplace. These techniques may help to remove the misunderstanding between colleagues. It is important to know them as they are applicable to any relationship. The first step when it comes to managing troubles is to foster an environment appropriate for open communication. Regardless of differences in one’s opinion, it is much easier to stay on the same page with an interlocutor. Another interesting conflict management strategy is dealing with healthy conflict that mainly predetermines the largest outcomes. In fact, conflict serves as a motivator for big changes, and change is an inevitable part of any process of development. Negotiation during a healthy argue may help to elaborate new ideas that will lead a company to future success. Unfortunately, not all conflicts that appear are healthy. It is imperative that effective conflict solving techniques should be applied in such cases to lead members of a team through the difficult times. Conflict management Academic Writing Conflict way out is one of the major themes for an essay. The assignments to write an essay on this topic can be given not only to students whose major is Management but also to students of such majors as Psychology, Politics, Philosophy, Ethics, Journalism and many others. Completing the assignment, students have a chance not only to demonstrate their writing skills but also to persuade the readers and demonstrate own logic effectively. Critical thinking is the most significant thing when it comes to writing a paper on conflict   solving. The language and keywords students choose for their essays have a lot of weight as well. Many students wonder why this topic is popular. First of all, considering that conflict is a natural part of any workplace, it is significant for students to learn how to resolve various conflicts and understand their basis. Life makes individuals participate in unpleasant situations, and students should be able to overcome the difficulties. To be an effective manager, students should know how to face with daily stresses inside a team, how to handle loads of work, and how to consider the needs of every individual. It is a well-known fact that social interactions very often imply conflicts and conflict management essays help to understand that there is nothing bad about this in case one knows how to solve conflicts in productive ways. Generally, individuals like reading management essays to gain credible insights into today’s business and reveal the knowledge of basic concepts in that sphere. Management is a soft skill, one that is developed basically through the practice. That’s why such essays serve as a great practice to reflect the theories. How to write an excellent essay? The first step To write a conflict management essay is not only about demonstrating your knowledge of theory and prominent writing skills. Before the writing process, we should do a lot of work. First of all, you should read and deeply analyze the given instructions or a provided situation. Remember that an essay should be related to contemporary theories on managing. Then, you may use the brainstorming method and write down the theories you find the most related to the theme of your essay. Be confident that you are aware of these theories not to mislead future readers. If you received a topic, the best idea is to take a situation that will serve as a great example of new concepts you will discuss later. Even more, you may refer to real-life examples to sound more persuasive. Remember that the more complicated a situation is, the more material and ideas you will have to write about. Choose a situation that will allow you to demonstrate your awareness of conflict managing theories. The second step The next significant step as far as writing a management essay is concerned is to determine a structure of your writing. Write down a brief outline of the main points and make sure that your essay has a coherent structure. In general, the most popular structure is the introduction that serves as a brief synopsis of theory, a body containing concrete concepts of conflict management and appropriate examples, and conclusion with future recommendations and summarizing of your main points discussed throughout the paper. Regardless of strict academic standards, many modern-day essays include some bullet-points and headings to secure better readability. Also, you should remember that as far as conflict management essay is concerned, it is not enough to research literature and credible sources and collect the brilliant thoughts. First of all, you should think as an analytic and apply your logical thinking skills. But there is one more method! In case you still struggle with your writing on conflict solving, you may ask for the professional online help that you may find on Thewritemyessay. The team of professional writers possesses a great knowledge of Management and will create a paper for you that will appeal to your professor. The service proposes a profound analysis of a given situation, and you can be confident that you will get a strong mark as all primary goals will be met according to the original instructions.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Defining Moment in a Prayer for Owen Meany essays

Defining Moment in a Prayer for Owen Meany essays In some cases, one event or revelation has the power to change a story or even a life. In A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving, there is an incredible series of many defining events. Due to the supernatural and spiritual nature of the novel, turning points and incredible events are nearly commonplace. Many ideas and concepts conveyed by Owen are crucial to the heart of the story and the meaning contained within. Of all the insightful realizations and defining moments that confront the reader while progressing through story, one of the most outstanding is Owen"'"s vision during a play in the winter of 1953. Owen had always believed in the strong presence of fate in every aspect of life. He repeatedly preached that every action and decision has a divine purpose. Everything is carefully coordinated and planned to intertwine precisely. According to Owen, '"'There were no accidents'"' (p. 102) He claimed that if something were thrown off course or disrupted, it would find a way to occur anyway. An example of this is when Own '"'scares away'"' the angle of death from the bedside of Tabby. He had '"'DISTURBED AN ANGEL AT WORK, he had UPSET THE SCHEME OF THINGS'"'(p. 102). In return, the angel assigned the death of Tabby Wheelwright to Owen himself, later being accomplished by an '"'accidental'"' baseball. Based on these events, we realize, as a reader, that Owen has spiritual views on life and his faith is strong. He is a fatalist who can convince himself that everything has a purpose. This though, is the extent of our insight into Owen"'"s divine predestination. It takes upcoming events for us to begin to realize that Owen Meany is so much more than a mere boy with strong beliefs. As the featured role in two holiday performances, Owen Meany receives great recognition in December of 1953. About six months earlier, he was used as '"'God"'"s instrument'"' to take the life of Tabby. One of his esteemed roles, the Ghost ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Software and apps admin assistants should master

Software and apps admin assistants should master Administrative assistants have a lot of tasks to handle on any given day, and strong tech skills are a must. From day-to-day essentials like Microsoft Office to helpers like productivity and organization apps, you’ll need to be up on the current software and tech trends in order to be effective in your position. And if you need to build (or refresh) these skills, almost all of the following have free online videos, courses, and usage guides to help you achieve administrative ninja-level skills.Scheduling SoftwareBeing an administrative assistant often involves keeping a live calendar for your boss (and maybe others as well), so this is a bare-bones essential tech skill to have. Most companies use Microsoft Outlook to sync and maintain employee calendars and meeting spaces, so this is the most important one to have under your belt- know it inside and out. But many companies are increasingly turning to free apps like Google Calendar as well.Email Apps and SoftwareMicrosoft Outlo ok is the gold standard for many companies’ email needs, so this is the core email system you should know very well. Gmail, like Google’s other office offerings, has emerged as the next in line because of its flexibility, chat features, and connection to other office-friendly Google apps. And if you want to be extra-current, recent office communication upstart is Slack combines the ease of email with real-time chat options. Many companies are using this app to supplement office email- or even replace it entirely.Spreadsheet SoftwareYou’ll likely need to create spreadsheets, either to track information or create and analyze reports. Microsoft Excel is- surprise!- the default spreadsheet software, and once you have those skills, they apply to Google Sheets too. Bonus spreadsheet skills that will always come in handy: pivot tables and vlookups.Presentation SoftwareWhether it’s you presenting or helping to create/edit someone else’s presentations, Micr osoft PowerPoint and LinkedIn’s SlideShare are the programs with which you’ll want to be familiar.Digital Publishing and Design SoftwareAs an administrative assistant, you may be responsible for creating, editing, or distributing content like newsletters, flyers, invitations, etc., so it’s a good idea to know your way around common design, publishing, and editing software. Adobe has the market cornered here- their Acrobat software creates and edits PDFs, while Photoshop lets you edit images. And if your job is likely to include video content, you should get to know Adobe Premiere or Apple’s iMovie.Document Creation SoftwareTraditionally known as word processing software, these apps allow you to create and edit text-heavy documents. Microsoft Word is by far the most commonly used program, but Google Docs has a close facsimile.Productivity AppsIn addition to keeping your boss organized and productive, you’ll need to keep your own stuff organized as w ell. Personal productivity apps like Asana (which can be used to track your own to-do list or group projects), Evernote (which lets you take notes and keep an annotated to-do list), and Dropbox (which lets you reach your files from anywhere, or share files with team members) all help to make your work life easier. And all of them can be used as tech skills on your resume.So much of our work is digital these days. While classic administrative skills like interpersonal skills, verbal and written communication, and general organization will never go out of style, the more tech cred you can add by learning and mastering these programs will make you even more marketable.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Annexation, Land Use Change, and Landscape Impact Dissertation

Annexation, Land Use Change, and Landscape Impact - Dissertation Example Thus the main aim of the paper is study the use of land policies for the betterment of the society. The global change has serious consequences on different landscapes. With increasingly changing environment and urgent global concerns every nation and community stands at the juncture of growing and evolving, keeping in pace with the environmental change which is critical. The competing visions of the future create the dilemma in many different ways. The type of places people of a community try to inhabit and the environment they leave behind for their future generations bring forth this dilemma. The landscapes and the nature are the factors that sustain the living of the human generation and also the life cycle of other species on the planet. The ideal future for the planet will be one in which the consumption and the use of land are done sparingly and where people cherish the landscapes. The future of the towns and the cities are expected to be vibrant as well as compact along with being green. The economic bases of the society are also expected to be restorative both environmenta lly and socially along with being viable. The ultimate vision of these theories is to result in the creation of an environment by the human community containing enduring values. People should ultimately be proud of the landscape and the environment they are about to leave for the next generations (Beatley & Manning, 1997, pp. 1-2). Carl Sauer, a born geographer was considered to be the grandfather of the theories of landscapes. He was the profounder of what can be called the ethics of land. According to the profounder it is the responsibility of human community to focus on the sustainability of the world environment and the earth for the well being of both the present as well as that of the future generations. An aesthetic rationale for the environmental progress has been given by Carl Sauer.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Political Economy (Theories of Late Capitalism) Essay - 1

Political Economy (Theories of Late Capitalism) - Essay Example American economy, also, is no exception to it. For instance, after The World War-2, America emerged as economic giant because of rapid progress in different fields, but hardly a decade had passed that The US confronted Great Depression. It was asserted that stock market collapse was the major cause of the great depression and â€Å"as the consequence of this stock market collapse, an unparalleled depression overtook United States† (Majumdar et al 234). The way America made achievements during era of industrialization and during the World War-1; she could not withstand stock speculation and its ultimate consequences. Leading points for the United States’ rise to power. America with its progressive policies marked its existence as economic giant and witnessed economic boom once again after decade of Great Depression was over and particularly in the post World War 2 era. The leading points which led to the rise of American economy initially include many things. To begin with America gave suppleness in taxation. It made taxation as easy as possible. Secondly, it applied theories of monetary pull and occupied employment financial plan. Thirdly, it included in its economic policy to include quantitative targets for the economy. Fourthly, a growth model of economy was put into practice rather than earlier cyclical model which allowed just transaction of the same. Finally, substitute of the impression of being without a job as a structural predicament by a consciousness of a low down combined stipulate. Mechanisms that Immanuel Waller stein credits with weakening US power. The mechanisms which Immanuel Waller stein consider for the weakening og American superpower are also various. In this pretext, to begin with, geographic expansion of the European world-economy to include the whole of the globe shook US economy. In the second place, the expansion meant the elimination of other world-systems as well as the absorption of the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

German Political Theory Essay Example for Free

German Political Theory Essay The early German philosophers have been some of the most controversial and well-acclaimed philosophers in the history of political theory. Individuals such as Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jurgen Habermas have revolutionized the mechanisms of the world of human beings with their daring thoughts and radical insights. It is through their critical thought about the things they observe around them that they have created a new way by which society has been able to move on through the years. One of the more critical aspects of German philosophy is the fact that it is highly diverse. The ideologies and principles, although supposedly based on a single culture, that have come from the different German philosophers are varied to such a point that at times they even counter each other in terms of drive and argument. Simply put, this means that there is no one theory regarding family, society, and government that generated by the popular German philosophers. The progression of theories dealing with the family, society, and government, the interaction that exists between these three, and the implications of these interactions have not bee additive or geared towards aggregation in German philosophy. German philosophy and German political theory has been an assortment of personal criticisms and associations, personal recommendations and personal assertions which were based on observations and solid evidence. Although it has not been an effort towards creating one single vantage point regarding society, German philosophy has been a regulatory force of society. Thus the fact that there are theories disagreeing with one another was highly adaptive to the creative and analytical spirit of the philosophers. The uniqueness of German theorists as compared to other theorists lies in the one characteristic that is shared by their different theories. This is the fact that German theories go to the heart of the matter. They are primarily concerned with controversial issues that are sometimes taken for granted by others. This means that they question what they observe. They question the moral, political, and economic sanctions they themselves grew up with. By changing the way people view and understand their society, German theory has been a main mover of history. How did German philosophers like Kant and Nietzsche conceive of their theories? It was simply through an observation of society and through critical analysis of the dynamics of the interactions of the different factors contributing to society’s continuation. It was through a belief and confidence that their ideas regarding certain issues were indeed more correct and more reflective of society than the theories regarding society and politics that were present during their own time. I will try to accomplish in this paper a description of my own theories regarding family, society, and government as well as the impact these three have on each other. I will include, at certain points, some of the major theories by the more popular German philosophers. However, this will not be an analysis of their theories. This will be a look into my own theories, a conception of my own German political theory, which will be strengthened by arguments from Kant, Hegel, Marx, Engels, Nietzsche, and Habermas – some of which I will agree to and some of which I will disagree to. My own definitions and perceived importance of the three concepts will also be discussed as these will form the base of my theories regarding their interactions with each other. The Family It is said that the family is the basic unit of society. This is a basic fact that is taught to everyone early on in their lives. My paper will, therefore, start off on this basic unit and will build on from here. A majority of the theories and works by the German philosophers fail to mention the family. If the family has been mentioned, it has most often been placed in the backwaters of what the philosophers considered more pressing matters such as society and the ruling class. (Poster, 1978) Definition The family is characterized as a group of individuals that are related to each other through one or a combination of the following features: a) living with each other in the same residence; b) having come from the same blood line; c) having an affinity with one another beyond that found in friends and even more so than that found between mere acquaintances and complete strangers. In today’s society, I don’t think it is appropriate to define the family using its traditional nuclear model – a model having a father, mother, and children in the picture. There are many families today that function without a complete combination of these individuals. Also, there are many cultures that regard a family to be more than just a group of individuals brought together on account of their consanguinity. One could consider, for example, that a group of unrelated individuals who have taken care and love one as more of a true family than the individuals linked directly to that individual through biology. Also, there are many instances of broken families and families with unconventional pairings of figureheads. There are families that exist without the presence of a father or a mother. There are groups considered as families regardless of the fact that the supposed father is no longer the biological father of the children. Same sex marriages with or without children are also considered families despite the traditional view of what a family used to be. It is my belief, therefore, that a family is created as a product of the coming together of individuals with common or parallel goals, who reside together in the same place, and who more frequently have positive regard rather than negative regard for one another. The family is not a unit of society that is to be disregarded as having a small role in the interplay of the various factors of society and government. Its importance and functions are critical in the continuation of the individual, of society, and of the government. Theory on its Importance Despite the fact that almost all the German philosophers have discussed society and government in relation to the individual, I believe the family is a more critical unit to the individual. In fact, the family may have a greater impact on society and government as opposed to the individual. This is not to say that the individual plays a small role as opposed to the family. What I wish to point out, rather, is that the non-consideration of the family has led to a deficit in what most of the German philosophers have conceptualized as the successful as well as faulty mechanisms behind the individual, society, and government. The family can be considered as an individual’s sanctuary from the world. By this, I mean that the family can give a person a feeling of safety, love, and positive regard. It works to encourage the individual and to foster for that individual a sense of trust and acceptance. As Hegel (2001) described it, a family is comprised of members and not individual persons. This indicates the unifying feature of a family. However, these positive regard and functions of this unit for an individual is not met in all families. There are many families with a history of violence and abuse. There are others that simply have feelings of apathy. I believe that in these cases, the individual creates for himself or herself a new family unit, one that I previously defined to have foundations not on biology and consanguinity but rather on other more spiritual and moral factors. However, when we are given the two cases of families – one fostering a positive atmosphere and one fostering a negative or neutral atmosphere for the individual – I stand firm in thinking that both have equal importance in the creation of the individual. It is the family that first affects the individual’s physical, psychological, emotional, and moral development. It is also the family that influences the direction of this growth. This is seen most clearly when we see that the family is in charge of the education of the children that are members of its structure. (Hegel, 2001) Yes, the individual has his or her own say in the way his or her life moves but which one of us can say that we have not been to a great degree relying on our families? And because we are dependent on our families, our families can dictate the decisions we make for ourselves, decisions which add up to create the type of people we are now. Also, it is undeniable that we are more likely to adapt for ourselves the principles and behavior exhibited by our family members. This is why most family members usually resemble each other with regards to likes, dislikes, and tendencies in behavior. The importance of the family to society and to the government will be discussed in the succeeding sections. Suffice it to say at this point that, indeed, as an independent unit of society, the family has important roles to play in an individual’s life. These roles are not merely based on its nurturing qualities but also on the control the family has on an individual’s personality, character, and life. However, it should be noted that the family’s success is in its eventual dissolution as children continue on to create families of their own. (Hegel, 2001) I think that Hegel is right with regards to dissolution being a necessary step in the family process. However, I also believe that this dissolution is only physical. Younger members merely begin to live in different houses in order to form new family units. This does not mean, however, that the family has ceased in its functions in the individual’s life. It still exists as a support system, a guide, and a source of love and nurture. Society The next concept has been touched on and included in the theories of the major German philosophers. Society, by itself, has been dissected and analyzed. Its functions, systems, and importance have been stated, restated, and renewed throughout the history of German political theory. Either way, it is clear that a great many of the concerns and issues faced by an individual come from a larger scale than that of his family. Definition Society is a group of individuals joined together by common interests and who may or may not be identified by similar cultural beliefs and traditions. This means that different ethnic groups may form a society. It is not necessary for society to be based on a single culture. What I mean by this is that a German, an American, and a Pole could just as easily form a single society despite the fact that their cultures of origin are different. A concrete example would be American society. America is a melting pot of cultures. Despite the great number of ethnic groups represented in America, however, all these individuals still belong to one distinct society – the American society. Society is not necessarily linked to nationhood. It can even be used to refer to the entirety of humanity. Depending on the use of the term, society can refer to both a specific group of people and also to all peoples the world over. I believe, however, that society has characteristics that help identify it. These include: 1) membership and a criteria for membership 2) an organizational structure 3) social interaction and behavior By this I mean that a particular society is exclusive. There are only a specific set of individuals who can be allowed to partake of the benefits of belonging to a given society. Because of the very fact that society is comprised of many individuals, there is a need for a basic skeletal structure by which to base its functioning. Also, a society is empty and unable to function without allowing its members to interact with each other. There is a need for the members to be able to interact either directly or indirectly in order for society to continue on its processes. The success of these processes is dependent on the quality of the interaction between the different members of society.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Why Is The Crucible So Called Essays -- Essay on The Crucible

How is 'The Crucible' appropriately titled? The word 'crucible' is used by Arthur Miller in his play as a metaphor. The first definition of the word crucible is: a melting pot especially for metals. In the play this is first acknowledged during the first act, as we gradually piece together the information concerning the girls dancing. The 'kettle' viewed by Reverend Parris mirrors a crucible. We are told that the girls had made a brew which contained a little frog and blood is therefore viewed by the characters involved as a potent, fearsome mixture and this signifies the beginning of the Salem tragedy. It seems that from this 'brew' a more sinister force is released. The dancing and the contents of the little pot seem to fuel the rumours, lies and tragedy of Salem. From this point onwards, lies which in turn arouse suspicion ending ultimately in the destruction of the Salem community. Even in the next part of the play we observe Tituba create and elaborate lies which is the first we see of the evil which is unleashed by the w itch hunt. There was very little privacy in Salem mainly because the fact that it was a theocracy and crimes were an offence not only against God but also against the community. Therefore there was pressure for neighbours to reveal other's sin. The desire for privacy makes one suspect others because if they do not convict others it looks as if they themselves might have something to hide. It is ironic that Reverend Parris says that the witchcraft investigation might reveal the source of all the community's problems 'Why, Rebecca, we may open up the boil of all our troubles today' because in the end the witchcraft investigation provokes the burning down and destruction of the community. The witch trials are also metaphorically a melting pot, again, for people's grudges, and their seeking of revenge. The play shows us also how people can give into their fear and superstition. The trials are not really about witchcraft, Abigail admits to John in private how the witchery is a hoax 'We were dancing in the woods last night and my uncle leaped out on us. She took fright, is all'. As she says this she is confident and relates the situation with a wicked air of control. This not to say people in Salem do not believe in the supernatural. Although many people in The Crucible believe in witches, many Salem residents simply take advantage of the... ...d but felt very strongly about only taking responsibly directly for his actions and refused to ruin others. He said during his trial 'I could not use the name of another and bring trouble on him… I take the responsibility of everything I have ever done, but I cannot take the responsibility for another human being. Proctor acted very similarly in his trial he said 'I speak my own sins; I cannot judge another'. Proctor and Miller were could see beyond the hysteria concerning ridiculous accusations and were not prepared to betray others to save themselves. In conclusion the Crucible is linked to the play both metaphorically, directly and historically. It is an interesting fact that a crucible is a melting pot especially for metals because the word metals has a homophone, mettle which means natural ardour, spirit, strength or courage. These are some of the qualities John Proctor displays towards the end of the book as his mettle is tested and purified. The title is relevant to most of the themes and issues that the play explores. The title is very effective due the fact it is provocative and encourages one to reflect on the play, its meaning and also its contemporary truth.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Debt and Trial Balance Essay

DRIVE PROGRAM SEMESTER SUBJECT CODE & NAME BK ID CREDITS MARKS ASSIGNMENT WINTER 2013 MBADS/ MBAFLEX/ MBAHCSN3/ MBAN2/ PGDBAN2 1 MB0041 FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING B1624 4 60 Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme. Q. No Questions Marks Total Marks 1 Give the classification of Accounts according to accounting equation approach with its meaning and examples. Compare the traditional approach with modern approach of accounting equation approach. Analyze the transaction under traditional approach. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 20. 1. 2011 Paid salary Rs. 30,000 20. 1. 2011 Paid rent by cheque Rs. 8,000 21. 1. 2011 Goods withdrawn for personal use Rs. 5,000 25. 1. 2011 Paid an advance to suppliers of goods Rs. 1,00,000 26. 1. 2011 Received an advance from customers Rs. 3,00,000 31. 1. 2011 Paid interest on loan Rs. 5,000 31. 1. 2011 Paid instalment of loan Rs. 25,000 31. 1. 2011 Interest allowed by bank Rs. 8,000 Classification of accounting equation approach with meaning and examples Analysis of transaction –with accounts involved-nature of accountaffects and debit/credit 2 4 10 6 The following trial balance was extracted from the books of Chetan, a small businessman. Do you think it is correct? If not, rewrite it in the correct form. Debits Stock Purchases Returns outwards Rs. Credits 8250 Capital 12750 Sales 700 Returns inwards Rs. 10000 15900 1590 Discount received Wages and salaries Rent and rates Sundry debtors Bank Overdraft 800 2500 1850 7600 2450 Discount allowed Scooty Carriage charges Sundry creditors Bills payable 800 1750 700 7250 690 Journal entries of all the transactions Conclusion 3 6 10 4 From the given trial balance draft an Adjusted Trial Balance. Trial Balance as on 31. 03. 2011 Debit balances Furniture and Fittings Buildings Rs. Credit balances Rs. 10000 Bank Over Draft 16000 500000 Capital Account 400000 Sales Returns 1000 Purchase Returns 4000 Bad Debts 2000 Sundry Creditors 30000 Sundry Debtors 25000 Commission Purchases 90000 Sales Advertising 20000 Cash 10000 Taxes and Insurance 235000 5000 General Expenses 5000 7000 Salaries TOTAL 20000 690000 TOTAL 690000 Adjustments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Charge depreciation at 10% on Buildings and Furniture and fittings. Write off further bad debts 1000 Taxes and Insurance prepaid 2000 Outstanding salaries 5000 Commission received in advance1000 Preparation of ledger accounts Preparation of trial balance 4 6 10 4 Compute trend ratios and comment on the financial performance of Infosys Technologies Ltd. from the following extract of its income statements of five years. (in Rs. Crore) Particulars 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 27,501 22,742 21,693 16,692 13,893 Operating Profit (PBIDT) 8,968 7,861 7,195 5,238 4,391 PAT from ordinary activities 6,835 6,218 5,988 4,659 3,856 Revenue (Source: Infosys Technologies Ltd. – Annual Report) Preparation of trend analysis Preparation of trend ratios 4 Conclusion 5 4 10 2 Give the meaning of cash flow analysis and put down the objectives of cash flow analysis. Explain the preparation of cash flow statement. Meaning of cash flow analysis Objectives of cash flow analysis 3 Explanation of preparation of cash flow analysis 6 2 10 5 Write the assumptions of marginal costing. Differentiate between absorption costing and marginal costing. Assumptions of marginal costing (all 7 points) 4 Differences of marginal and absorption costing (Includes all 8 6 points) 10

Saturday, November 9, 2019


ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD (Department of Computer Science) WARNING 1. PLAGIARISM OR HIRING OF GHOST WRITER(S) FOR SOLVING THE ASSIGNMENT(S) WILL DEBAR THE STUDENT FROM AWARD OF DEGREE/CERTIFICATE, IF FOUND AT ANY STAGE. 2. SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENT(S) BORROWED OR STOLEN FROM OTHER(S) AS ONE’S OWN WILL BE PENALIZED AS DEFINED IN â€Å"AIOU PLAGIARISM POLICY†. Course: Compiler Construction (3468)Semester: Autumn, 2012 Level: BS (CS)Total Marks: 100 ASSIGNMENT No. 1 Note: All questions carry equal marks. Q. 1(a)Define Compiler, using a diagram describes the three phases of analysis of source program. (b)Explain all the phases of Compiler. c)Consider the following grammar. S ? > XaYb X ? > bXc | b Y ? > dYa | d Find the first sets for each non-terminal of the given grammar. Q. 2(a)Explain the error detection and reporting mechanisms. (b)Write the intermediate representation code of the following position: = initial + rate * 60 Q. 3(a)Convert the following NFA into equivalent DFA using subset construction Algorithm. [pic] Note:Show all necessary steps that are involved in subset construction algorithm. (b) Convert the Following regular expression into NFA using Thompson’s construction. a ((b|b*c)d)* |d*a Q. 4(a)Given the following grammar. G > EE > T + E | T T > F * T | F F > a i) Is this grammar ambiguous? Explain! ii) Draw all parse trees for sentence â€Å"a+a*a+a†. (b) Consider the following grammar. S> A A> A+A | B++ B > y Draw parse tree for the input â€Å"y+++y++† Q. 5(a)Explain the role of the Lexical Analyzer and Parser in detail. (b)Differentiate between Top-down parsing and Bottom-up parsing. ASSIGNMENT No. 2 Total Marks: 100 Note: All questions carry equal marks. Q. 1(a)Rewrite the following SDT: A A {a} B | A B {b} | 0 B -> B {c} A | B A {d} | 1 so that the underlying grammar becomes non-left-recursive. Here, a, 6, c, and d are actions, and 0 and 1 are terminals. b)This grammar generates binary numbers with a â€Å"decimal† point: S-* L . L | L L-+LBB B -> 0 | 1 Design an L-attributed SDD to compute S. val, the decimal-number value of an input string. For example, the translation of string 101. 101 should be the decimal number 5. 625. Q. 2(a)Translate the following expressions using the goto-avoiding translation scheme. i)if (a==b kk c==d |I e==f) x == 1; ii)if (a==b II c==d || e==f) x == 1; iii)if (a==b && c==d kk e==f) x == 1; (b)Construct the DAG and identify the value numbers for the sub expressions of the following expressions, assuming + associates from the left. ) a + b+ (a + b). ii) a + b + a + b. iii) a + a + ((fl + a + a + (a + a + a + a )). Q. 3(a)Explain the following i)Back Patching ii)Procedure Calls (b)Generate code for the following three-address statements, assuming all variables are stored in memory locations. i) x = 1 ii) x = a iii) x = a + 1 iv) x = a + b v) The two statements x = b * c y = a + x Q. 4(a)The programming language C does not have a Boolean type. Show how a C compiler might translate if-statement into three-address code. (b)Construct the DAG for the basic block d = b * c e = a + b b = b * c a = e – d Q. (a)Generate code for the following three-address statements assuming a and b are arrays whose elements are 4-byte values. i)The four-statement sequence x = a [ i] y = b [ j] a [ i ] = y b [ j ] = x ii) The three-statement sequence x = a [ i] y = b [ i] z = x * y iii) The three-statement sequence x = a [ i] y = b[x] a [ i ] = y (b)Suppose a basic block is formed from the C assignment statements x = a + b + c + d + e + f; y = a + c + e; i) Give the three-address statements (only one addition per statement) for this block. ii) Use the associative and commutative laws to modify the block to use the fewest possible number of 468 Compiler ConstructionCredit Hours: 3(3, 0) Recommended Book: Compliers; Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jerrey D. Ullman Course Outlines: Unit No. 1 Introduction to Compiling Compliers, analysis of the source program, the phases of a complier, cousins of the compiler, the grouping of phases, complier-construction tools Unit No. 2 A Simple One-pass Compiler Overview, syntax definition, syntax-directed translation, parsing, a translator for simple expressions, lexical analysis, incorporating a symbol table, abstract stack machines, putting the techniques together Unit No. Lexical and Syntax Analysis Lexical analysis (the role of the lexical analyzer, input buffering, specification of tokens, recognition of tokens, a language for specifying lexical analyzers, finite automata, from a regular expression to an NFA, design of a lexical analyzer generator, optimization of DFA-based pattern matchers), syntax analysis (the role of the parser, context-free grammars, writing a grammar, top-down parsing, bottom-up parsing, operator-precedence parsing, LR parsers, using ambiguous grammars, parser generators) Unit No. 4 Syntax-Directed TranslationSyntax-direc ted definitions, construction of syntax trees, bottom-up evaluation of s-attributed definitions, l-attributed definitions, top-down translation, bottom-up evaluation of inherited attributes, recursive evaluators, space for attribute values at compile time, assigning space at complier-construction time, analysis of syntax-directed definitions Unit No. 5 Type Checking Type systems, Specification of a simple type checker, Equivalence of type expressions, Type conversions, Overloading of functions and operators, Polymorphic functions, an algorithm for unification Unit No. Intermediate Code Generation Intermediate Languages, Declarations, Assignment statements, Boolean expressions, Case statements, Back Patching, Procedure calls Unit No. 7 Code Generations Issues in the design of a code generator, The target machine, Run-time storage management, Basic blocks and flow graphs, Next-use information, A simple code generator, Register allocation and assignment, The dag representation of basic blocks, Peephole optimization, Generating code from dags, Dynamic programming code-generation algorithm, Code-generator generators Unit No. Code Optimization Introduction, The principal sources of optimization, Optimization of basic blocks, Loops in flow graphs, Introduction to global data-flow analysis, Iterative solution of data-flow equations, Code-improving transformations, Dealing with aliases, Data-flow analysis of structured flow graphs, Efficient data-flow algorithms, A tool for data-flow analysis, Estimation of types, Symbolic debugging of optimized code Unit No. Writing a Complier Planning a compiler, Approaches to compiler development, The compiler-development environment, Testing and maintenance, A Look at Some Compilers, EQN, a preprocessor for typesetting mathematics, Compilers for Pascal, The C compilers, The Fortran H compilers, The Bliss/11 compiler, Modula-2 optimizing compiler

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Publish a Childrens Book in 6 Simple Steps

How to Publish a Childrens Book in 6 Simple Steps How to Publish a Children's Book: A Guide for First-Time Authors In the early 1990s, Julia Donaldson - a former busker and wife of a university lecturer - was approached by a publisher who wanted to adapt one of her songs for the BBC. With the release of A Squash and a Squeeze, Donaldson published her first children’s book at the age of 45, igniting a career that resulted in modern classics like The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom, and Stick Man.Donaldson had the edge over most first-time authors, in that she had a background in kid's TV. But how does a regular person - one with no connections to the arts - become a published author? In this post, we’ll show you how to publish a children's book and get it into the hands (and hearts) of young readers everywhere. First-time authors: How do you get your children's book published? 1. Know the marketKnowing your audience is essential when you’re writing your book and crucial when you’re selling it. The first thing an editor wants to know is whether it’s the kind of book they can sell. Homing in on your book’s target audience will also help demonstrate your understanding of the publishing business, which is something most editors want in a collaborator.What are the age ranges for children's books?Broadly speaking, children’s fiction is divided into four categories:Picture Books: under 5 years old, under 1,000 wordsEarly Readers: 5+ years old, 2,000 to 5,000 wordsChapter Books: 6-9 years old, 5,000 to 10,000 wordsMiddle Grade (MG): 8-12 years old, 30,000 to 50,000 wordsYoung Adult (YA): 12-18 years old, 50,000 to 100,00 wordsModern editors take word count quite seriously. They rarely have time to thoroughly edit the books they acquire, so if you’ve written a 200,0000-word middle-grade opus, most editors will think,  "Who needs that kind of stress?† and give it a hard pass.If you want to learn more about writing for each category in children's publishing, sign up for this free online course on Reedsy Learning. Research the marketYou want to see firsthand what bookstores are selling and promoting. Scanning Amazon's Best Sellers list is fine, but going into a Barnes Noble will give you a much better idea of ongoing trends. Brick and mortar stores still make up a large chunk of the children’s market and - more so than with adult books - most parents still prefer them over online retailers.As we mentioned earlier, regardless of whether they're self-publishing, children's authors are expected to do a significant share of the marketing work. 80% of the time, marketing "kidlit" is the same as marketing any other book. There are dozens of great book marketing ideas for you to mine - from creating a mailing list to running promotions with other authors.In this section, we’ll focus on the other 20%: the marketing techniques that are unique to children’s books.Reviews are even more importantParents rely more on reviews when buying books for their children than when theyâ€⠄¢re doing it for themselves. They want to see what other parents think, how other children have enjoyed it, and whether the subject matter is appropriate for their own kids.Even more so than with a self-published thriller or romance novel, a picture book with no reviews will really struggle to sell - and will be impossible to place in a library or bookstore. To learn how to get reviews for your book, check out this post.Look to online communities for influencers and a street teamBlogs, Instagram, Facebook Groups, Twitter, Reddit. These days, most parents of young kids are millennials. As a result, they will rely on the internet for almost any kind of recommendation (another generalization, admittedly).Search through Facebook for children’s book groups, or groups that might be concerned with the topic of your book. If you’ve written a picture book about firetrucks, you can bet there’s a Facebook group of people (or people with kids) who love fire trucks.Share p ictures of your book on Instagram or Twitter using relevant hashtags - ones that either deal with your book’s topic (#unicorns #firetrucks) or tap directly into your audience (#mommylifestyle #picturebooksaremyjam).Work with an influencerYou will have likely heard of the term "influencer," most commonly used to describe YouTube or Instagram personalities who get paid by brands to promote products. While it’s not a bad idea to reach out of any of these people whose interests align with your book, remember that influencers come in many forms!Yvonne Jones wrote a picture book about a monster truck (Lil’ Foot the Monster Truck) and to promote it, she reached out to Bob Chandler, creator of Bigfoot and originator of the monster truck sport. He liked the book and gave her a short review, which then helped get her foot in the door with various monster truck associations and blogs.Similarly, if you can identify someone who has some clout amongst people who might buy yo ur book, then politely reach out, introduce yourself and offer to send them a copy of your book.School visits!Most schools will welcome visits from authors - in fact, some schools even set aside an annual budget for it. So why not get in touch with an administrator or a librarian and ask what you can do for them? And if you’re doing the school visit for free, Jones suggests taking the opportunity to sell some copies.â€Å"Follow up your first email with a phone call to let them know that you visit local schools for free, in return for the school sending slips home, offering the chance to buy signed copies of the book.†Of course, there are plenty of other marketing avenues to pursue - many of which you can learn about on Reedsy’s free course on children’s book marketing.Are you an aspiring or experienced children’s writer? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Monday, November 4, 2019

An Evaluation of the Activities, Reading Books and Watching Movies

An Evaluation of the Activities, Reading Books and Watching Movies Books vs. Movies Which one is better reading a book or watching a movie? People always debate on whether reading a book is better than watching a movie. Movies are just a live action version of a book, but the movies tend to leave out a lot of details one can get from reading the book. Grant it, reading a book takes more time, but a person gets to tap into their imagination more from reading a book than watching a movie. Books are just as great as movies if not better because books have no time limit, give people a better understanding, and they have more detail. Reading a book has no time limit, whereas; movies have a certain time period to get finished in. The books that are made into movies usually do not turn out the way we want them to be. Movies can be ruined by bad actors. The length of the movies determines how much details from the book go into the movie. Sadly, movies are all about the actors more than the details from the book ever were. When reading a book maybe the reader’s imagination was not met when they watched the movie. While reading a book you get a better understanding of the characters thoughts, feelings, and actions because it is written throughout the book itself. Reading a book lets the reader’s imagination flow. When the reader taps into their imagination they can imagine what the book is like visually. One can picture the characters in their head. They can picture what the characters voices sound like. The reader can visualize the scenes and imagine what the places look like according to what they read. People can relate more to a book usually than a movie because books have more detail. Not all the details from reading a book can be pictured in the movies. Typically the movies are worse than the book. Details draw the readers in and the more details they gather the more intrigued they get. When people get intrigued they usually follow what intrigues them. So therefore if they are reading the first book throughout a series it will make them read the other books. When someone picks up a book that they like they tend to find other books that are like the book they read. Reading books are better than movies due to the fact of having no time limit, a better understanding, and way more details. Books draw the reader in more than when a person watches movie. People go watch a movie typically because of actors. Books and movies are both great but books will always last longer. Books have a higher demand than a movie ever will.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The sale of Gatwick Airport Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The sale of Gatwick Airport - Case Study Example Gatwick Airport, the second largest airport in the United Kingdom, has been offered for sale by BAA, its owner following a move by the competition commission to push the Company to dispose three of its British airports due to dominance concerns of the Airline business market. Gatwick, being the country's second biggest airport, acts as a major component of the national infrastructure as well as a significant constituent of the British aviation industry. There have been misgivings through out the country's economic sector with many feeling that the airport has been flogged off with less attention to the bigger social effects.According to BBC NEWS (2008), the competition committee, which is charged with the job of ensuring and regulation the operations of airports in UK ruled that the BAA had no option but to give away three of the company's airports based in the UK to create more competition in the sector. It insisted that the organization have to sell two of the South East airports w hich comprises of Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted. Regarding this, BAA which is possessed by Spanish company Ferrovial ruled out the sell of Heathrow and Stansted thus leaving Gatwick airport for bidding. Other airports ran by the BAA includes Glasgow, Edinburgh and Scotland based Aberdeen as well as southern England based Southampton. The competition commission has been trying to make to an end the monopolistic control on airport operations to install quality of the services offered in order to provide its clients with efficiency. As a result of this, different companies have indicated their interest in purchasing the airport that has been estimated to have a value of around $ 1.8 billion as per regulators although the price for the airport is likely to be set by the current market circumstances.. Some of the major companies who have indicated there interest in Gatwick include Manchester Airports Group Plc (MAG), Global Infrastructure partners and Lysander Gatwick Investment. Since early 1970s , the control of Gatwick, Heathrow and Stansted airports has been under BAA which the competition commission blames for the insufficient competition between south-east English airports and the central Scotland based ones. As per BBC NEWS(2008), this monopoly control has resulted to low levels of service provision to passengers and airline companies and as well lower the incentives for more chances of improvement. BAA has been blamed for slow implementation of new route development plans at several airports as well as being sluggish in venturing into fresh terminals and creating more runways. This situation has been contrasted with other airports such as London city and Manchester airports which have been in the front line in implementing these changes. They have been trying to expand the facilities and services and lowering charges as well as being more responsive to the special needs of the customers. . Major Airport Operators in UK and Europe Manchester Airports Group Plc (MAG) It is the second biggest airport operator in the country and runs Manchester Airport, the third largest airport in the United Kingdom, presently handling 20 million freight passengers annually and having flights to more than 180 destinations globally with over 90 airlines. Other airports ran by the operator includes Nottingham East Midlands airport, Humberside airport and Bournemouth airport. The company also runs Borealis Capital Corporation and Manchester Pension Fund. Global Infrastructure partners Is an organization that possesses London City Airport. It has a brand value of $5.64 billion fund. It is run by professional investment executives' partners who experience direct investment to the fund. London City airport is the leading commercial airport in UK. It has ten airlines operating 32 destinations all over UK and the rest of Europe. It also connects to the rest